Below is a list of suggested items to have in your kayak/canoe/boat or paddle board when you patrol. Reach out to Maria or Don if you have questions.
* Patrol Vest To wear on your person while you patrol. Signals a key CLCA
priority to all lakeshore residents and visitors.
* Personal flotation device
* Maps: of the lake with all zones + your zone(s) with the grid overlay.
Download off of AIS Blog (maps link.)
* 2 x yellow/orange Foam Noodles with 10-15ft of thin rope. Attach a 4oz weight.
* 2x Small stiff plastic orange flags with written message—
“Do not remove … Possible invasive weed”
* Polaroid sunglasses, hat, and sunscreen, small towel
* Both sets of Plant ID sheets (Conway Lake Native plants + Invasive
potentials.) PLUS the quick guide to Similar Looking Native and
Invasive Aquatic Plants
* Camera (on your cell phone):
o To keep a record of new plant/animal findings
o To record site with GPS app (SOLOCATOR) w/embedded lat/longs
o To download WIX app for any AIS Blog references at your fingertips.
o Have a waterproof bag or Ziplock for camera
* DES sample bag +/or use Ziplock bags. Felt marker for labeling.
* White trays and/or tennis ball containers to better examine and photograph
samples you've collected.
* Small coin or something for size contrast with sample you are photographing.
* “Reacher/grabber tool” approx. 32" length, foldable, with flat tips or
suction tips to collect any plants just out of arm’s reach.
* Pocket knife or scissors for better plant ID. Allows cross sections for closer
viewing of plant leaves and their formations.
* Magnification (5x or 10x are recommended) to see unique flowers or leaf
* Small net (like one often used for a fish bowl) to collect any floating plant
fragments stirred up by your activity. This is a precautionary move in case
your sample is an invasive weed.
* Pens and Post-it pads for field notes (use water resistant ink)
REFERENCES AT HOME for in-depth plant and habitat descriptions
*** NH DES Aquatic Plant and Algae book
*** Maine Field Guide of Invasive Plants