It was a beautiful morning when I last patrolled Paige Brook on 9/13/24. Saw some Flat-leaf Bladderwort for the first time and a few weeks ago we had a single Floating Bladderwort right in front of our dock (Grid 34). It was so nice to see some new plant species. Also saw some large clumps of Milfoil in Grid 27, larger than I usually see in Paige Brook which gave me some concern. Fortunately both Maria and Don confirmed that it was Native Milfoil.
Both Floating and Flat-leaf Bladderwort in Paige Brook
Tim Keith
Updated: Sep 26, 2024
Hi Tim - I snapped some underwater photos when I was in Page Brook last week and I spotted some native elodea (waterweed) as well. I was surprised to see them since they were not visible from the surface.